Cloud microservices for human beings

Get Started, it's FREE !

Revolutionize the development and management of your cloud backend services!

Get Started, it's FREE !


Save time

Streamline your development process and accelerate your time-to-market


Fast and efficient handling of requests keeps your services responsive

High Availability

Built-in Load-Balancing, Clustering, Redundancy and Fault-tolerance

Artificial Intelligence

Machine Learning models continuously monitor services to detect anomalies and optimize cloud configuration

Strong-typed API

Reveal bugs and API incompatibilities at compile-time.

Application Services

Built-in services for distributed Job scheduling, State-Machines, Caching/KV-Store and more


All components can run on your own servers, without any external dependencies

Deploy & Management

Easy and intuitive service deployment and node management from a single portal

Save time

Streamline your development process and accelerate your time-to-market


Fast and efficient handling of requests keeps your services responsive

High Availability

Build-in Load-Balancing, Clustering, Redundancy and Fault-tolerance

Artificial Intelligence

Machine Learning models continuously monitor services to detect anomalies and optimize cloud configuration

Strong-typed API

Reveal bugs and API incompatibilities at compile-time.

Application Services

Built-in services for distributed Job scheduling, State-Machines, Caching/KV-Store and more


All components can run on your own servers, without any external dependencies

Deploy & Management

Easy and intuitive service deployment and node management from a single portal

Frictionless Experience

  • All components and tools have been designed and implemented from the ground up to provide a uniform, friction-less experience across the board.

  • From developer libraries and tools, to managing and orchestrating your cloud, every component is designed to serve a specific purpose as a part of a complete solution.

  • Designed for teams and cooperation in mind, makes developing and managing your microservices a simple and secure task.


Distributed Architecture

  •   Phoesion Glow is based on a distributed system cloud architecture.

  • The separation of flow to components Mediator↔Bus↔Services allows you to create a highly-available, fault-tolerant and secure cloud solution in any way or configuration that best suits your needs.

  • Adding or removing new instances of components (eg. a Firefly service) can be done dynamically without any static configurations or restarting the existing running instances. This means you can scale up or down your cloud dynamically as needed.


Code Example

 public string SayHello(string firstName, string lastName) => $"Hello {firstName} {lastName} !";

Congratulations, you just created a new micro-service action!

The above code is a simple code example of everything you need to create a new web API for you service.


  • A client (browser) can send a GET request to and get the response
  • The Phoesion Glow system will handle the request routing/bindings/de-serialization/serialization and everything else automatically.
  • This action can also be hit from Http (REST), SignalR, gRPC and other protocols automatically


For more samples and information, you can have a look at the documentation

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Develop Cloud-Native Services


Isolates each microservice's packages and dependencies, embracing changes without impacting the entire system.


Apply and manage deploy-time configurations for each microservice, using the built-in configuration management system.

Build, Test, Release, Deploy

Use modern CI/CD pipelines using the provided CLI tools for building, testing and deploying your microservices.

Processes and Containers

Automatically run each microservice in its own separate process or container. Phoesion Glow can automatically containerize microservices using Docker on the hosting machine or create new deployments for Kubernetes using Kubernetes-Native operators

Manage Development, Staging, Production and other Environments

Using the PGProject files and Quantum-Spaces you can separate, manage and deploy new environments easily and securely. 


Phoesion Glow provides a built-in system to collect, analyze and inspect log messages emitted by various sources, from system logs to business logic and even client-side logs.


Manage all aspects of your cloud setup, manage user ACL, monitor services health and analytics from a single place using the Blaze GUI app provided for Desktop, Mobile and Web.

Incident Reports

Get incident reports for every failure, error or other critical event; either from the system or your business logic. Incident alerts will also be sent as notifications to your phone using the Blaze app.

Application Services

Built-in and ready-to-go distributed application services that work out-of-the-box :

  • Feature Flags : dynamically configure cloud application while running.
  • Jobs : enqueue and schedule jobs to be executed asynchonously
  • State-Machines : run complex, multi-step business-logic process 
  • Cache : distributed persistent key-value cache
  • Mutexes : distributed mutex for protecting critical sections/logic


Phoesion Glow offers Kubernetes-Native components, like Operators, to automate the deployment and management of your microservices in a Kubernetes setup.

Artificial Intelligence

Machine Learning models continuously monitor services to detect anomalies and optimize cloud configuration 

Intuitive UI

Service Management

  • Dashboard

    Write your caption here
  • Deployment and Rollout

    Deploy and rollout your 

  • Daily Log Charts

    Write your caption here
  • Services

    Write your caption here
  • Service Dashboard

    Write your caption here

Deploy, rollout, view health and metrics of your services

Logs and Incidents

  • Logs

    Write your caption here
  • Incidents

    Write your caption here
  • Log Filters

    Write your caption here
  • Exception Viewer

    Write your caption here
  • Logs

    Write your caption here

Examine in depth the aggregated logs from all nodes for each request and examine incidents reports of failing services or unhandled exceptions

System Administration

  • Admin Area

    Write your caption here
  • Admin Area - Entities

    Write your caption here
  • Admin Area - Connectivity

    Write your caption here

Manage system users, nodes connectivity, SSL certificates and more from the admin panel


Phoesion Glow offers a comprehensive documentation site,

a GitHub repository with an extensive set of samples and a continuously enriched video tutorial channel

Glow Documentation
Samples Repository
Video Tutorials

Community License

Using the Community License, all components are free for commercial purposes.


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